There follows a lot more pure legal material, on leasing land, carry- ing on business etc. which need not be enumerated here.

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It will be noted that these articles cover a wide range of oppor- tunities. Just which, when and how will be exploited is not clear just at this time. Many ideas have been advanced in the fields of research, education and law. But there are several things which must come about before we can begin to make our weight felt. Two of these are primary finances and organization. Foundation finances which at this juncture amount to around $900 have come from Phi Pi Epsilon and dues and from donations. This is a lot of money to buy nylons with, but it isn't much when there is printing, postage, typing secretarial work to pay for etc. or when a research program is planned. This being the case I ask any of you who are able to support this organization, the only one of its kind ever to be formed to help promote the general interests of femmepersonators, transvestites or whatever you wish to call us. A specific program cannot be given to you at this time, rest assured that the money received will be recorded and accounted for.


The next step is to set up some sort of national organization to guide in selecting a program to assist in carrying it out. Steps in this direction will be begun as soon as this issue of TVia is safely in the hands of the printer. Not only will your contributions be welcomed, but your ideas as well. We won't be able to do everything, and doubt- less some that are submitted will be impracticable, but many will be useful and capable of being acted upon sooner or later, so carry your share of the load both financially and in a contributing sense.

Many of you are not aware that a gathering of something over 60 FPs and about a dozen wives took place at the Resort the last weekend in October. Although this was not an organizational meeting in the sense of planning, it did serve to allow a lot of people to get acquain- ted, to exchange ideas, to vent opinions and to learn that we have plans and mean to carry them out. Many pictures were taken during this weekend. I am asking all those that did take good shots to send them to me with the persons pictured identified as far as possible. Also those who would like to offer a few lines of comment are invited to do so. All this material will be assembled into a booklet and pub- lished. Depending on its size it will sell for $3 or $4. With $1.50 or whatever the printing, typing and secretarial expense amount to deduct, the balance will be put into the Foundation treasury. Thus we will be able to give you something of interest while you are help- ing the cause. If all cooperate and get this material in promptly it may be possible to get this out by New Years. Because of the plan
